DENY IP – road to CCIE security

Following the blueprint

Posted in Study approach by denyip on July 22, 2008

As has been already written several times in the LAB you can expect ANYTHING from the Blueprint… So i decide to organize all my study notes according this blueprint … there is 6 major topics

  1. Firewall
  2. VPN
  3. Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
  4. Identity Management
  5. Advanced Security
  6. Network Attacks

My firefox bookmarks for CCIE are organized exactly in this style and order.. If I see some interesting config guide, tutorial etc. related to CCIE security I bookmark the page and place to the proper folder. |
Structure of my mailbox what I use for newsgroups like groupstudy or OSL is exactly same six folders (plus lot of subfolders)… So if need get some information (ideas for lab) i just open my bookmarks or my email folder….

If you look to the right topics for blog entries have same structure as well (maybe some topics are missing because there are no posts but I hope soon we will have complete blueprint)